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Sunday, July 09, 2006

DMB gives a nod to the Fenway Fans

Was at the Dave Matthews Band concert at fenway last night - and we were talking pre-show about how great it would be if they played Dirty Water or Tessie or Sweet Caroline - and in true fenway fashion they broke out with Sweet Caroline as song #7 of the set. Sweet Caroline is typcially played at Fenway in the middle of the 8th inning. Most ball parks play "Take me Out to the Ballgame" at the 7th inning stretch (middle of the 7th inning.)

A couple times during the show I was thinking of trying to start some of the chants you typically hear at fenway, and almost as if on queue, they started without me. "Let's Go Red Sox" was strong - and the ever present "Yankees Suck" errupted shortly after.

Silly part of the night - on the walk down boylton back to the car (make that "Cah") in the crowd of happy people; someone going the other way asked, "Did the Red Sox Win?"



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