My first blog. No big whoop.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

More technical difficulties

I'm wondering if this should just be a weekly segment - a list of the things that went wrong with the technology today.  Got 2 in the past 24hrs.  First was the server I host the new Wiki on blew a power supply... about 3 hrs after I sent an email introducing the technology to the beta audience... so the email goes out, and the site goes down and don't I look amazing.

2nd problem is the dell is fried again - blue screens this time.  Smells like bad memory, but both 512M chips produce similar results.  The people on the support chat site are pretty good though - minimizing the painful troubleshooting steps.  I'm glad we have MoJo pack, so she can use my machine.  I think I'm gonna cough up the $50 for it.


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