My first blog. No big whoop.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Dental Scorecard

Had another dental visit, 2nd part of the cleaning and got my score raised from 30 to 74.  They do the score with a dental tool with a scale on the side, and measure your gums at a couple spots on each tooth, and put it all on a chart and do some math to get a number.  100 is the best you can get I think, and on my first visit I was in the 30's, and second visit was a 74. 

This number has motivated me to brush and floss - two things I was not very prone to do in the past.  The reason is because I want to beat that number - it's an attainable goal.  Kind of like loosing weight - for me I wouldn't do it unless there was scale and I could see evidence of progress.

The latest visit was with Debbie, and she once again showed me how to brush and floss.  I think it sank in this time.  Funny part is it also changes how I brush the kids teeth and they get all mad expecting the "Say Cheese" part and not getting it.

Debbie is also a Red Sox fan, so I'm gonna try to schedule my next visit during a day game and bring a radio to listen to.  I was reminded of the Bill Cosby sketch about how his dentist wanted to talk to him and he couldn't because his mouth was full of dental tools.  I had to compile my comments on the Red Sox discussions and summarize them in the couple seconds you get after rinsing.

Also sending some more Dental Kudos to Pearl the front desk administrator who is helping me navigate the insurance-sea, which is an expensive place to be.  Dr. Bobbit isn't in our insurances program or list or something - so they don't cover 100%, and it's proving difficult to justify the cost when Suzy & thd kids haven't had to pay a penny for a visit ever.


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