My first blog. No big whoop.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

My first woot

Just spent about $50 on a wireless keyboard and gryation mouse... always wanted a good wireless keyboard... now I should have one. Got it at - a site that sells ONE thing every day. Pretty interesting model, and it's been around for a year or so, so it must be working. They got some of my money today.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Chart Sheet in Excel

I find a TON of usefull info via google, so I thought I'd better start giving back.

My Problem: I have an excel chart created as an embedded chart, and want it to be it's on worksheet.

Solution: Right click on the chart: And edit the "Location" -> change to "A new sheet"

Keywords on this problem: Excel, Charts, Graphs, Worksheet, Chartsheet

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

been twiddling

using the twiddler again
its nice to listen to music and practice the twiddler
i am patheticly slow
listening to ani difranco
she rocks

itunes sucks

itunes sucks. freezing all the time, doesn't see the ipod. trying anapod

Monday, December 05, 2005

Reading List

My online reading list was falling WAY behind, and I was never really happy with the format - so I decided it was time to change it. I considered a couple of options. First I determined the "functionality" of the list was to recommend books to other people, and (shamelessly) show off that I read. So, it had to show up as a webpage in some form.

Formats I considered:
1. Simple Excel File, then "save as html" to my public webpage
3. Protopage

For starters - I went with the protopage option (you can see it here: - you have to click on "page 2" on the bottom) - but I'd like to explore the google base option more.