My first blog. No big whoop.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Earned Turns

Originally uploaded by M@.
Hiked up a local mountain with my skiis on my back today, after snowblowing 2 feet of snow off the driveway. Was very happy to have the people at to find a couple folks to go with me. Had a great time even though we only really skiied what would be considered a single trail at a typical ski resort. We did get some very fresh very deep powder though.

Monday, January 17, 2005

I don't know what this is all about - but it's entertaining:
Crazy Lip Synch Dood

Friday, January 14, 2005

Simpsons doing Commercials

So far this season, I've seen more Simpson's in commercials than in actual 8:00pm Sunday Night Episodes. I don't get the release schedule. I try pretty hard to keep sunday nights free to watch simpsons but the past month they've shown something else. Frustrating for a long time very loyal fan.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Machholz: Comet Photography

Originally uploaded by M@.
Took a picture of a comet tonight, it's the blurry blue star on the right. Built the switch to allow me to open the shutter on the camera for arbitrary time and captured an image of something I couldn't see with my naked eye. Some more info at at this link.


Originally uploaded by M@.
Built (used solder, which counts as building) a switch for the digital camera that lets you open the shutter for extended pierods of time. Typically called a "bulb" mode, this lets you do some funky things. Like this picture, where I held up a lighter and spelled my name. This was a 35 Second exposure.

Yahoo! News - Top Stories Photos - AP Sometimes the road your travel will be clear, but other times your bath will be blocked by the stones of ineptitude.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Download details: Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) Microsoft has released a beta version of an AntiSpyWare application. It seems to run pretty fast, and it found a couple things on my systems. Story on Slashdot is that it's a reword of the program "Giant," so MicroSquish doesn't get full points. I'm glad to be able to download something that I can trust thou. I got burned once, after my machine was infected with a browser hijacker I tried to search for "antispyware software" and trusted the firstlink... which turned out to be a program that just installed more spyware. It's frustrating these days whenever one of my machiens runs just a little slow I think it's infected, but 9 times out of 10 it's just busy doing other things I asked it to do.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Washing Machine

Originally uploaded by M@.
In the trend of fixing things - I repaired the washing machine today. It was leaking water when it wasn't on, so I figured it had to be the valve part. I don't remember how I knew that washing machines had a single valve part. I ordered a new one online ($20) and replaced it in about 10 min today. The volt meter in this picture was not used, but it looks kewl.